Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eightieth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eightieth Fortune Stick


There is no greater sorrow than separation,

There is no greater joy than a new acquaintance.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

No greater sorrow means that although it is sad, there is no need to be sad. The pain of separation is something you have already experienced. The greatest joy is that something joyful and encouraging is already before you. Sadness has passed, and joy is ahead. No need to worry anymore, good times are coming.

Interpreting the Poem

Life inevitably involves the sorrow of separation, but it also brings the joy of meeting new people. In love, you may have an old lover leave, but at the same time, you may meet a new person who understands and cherishes you. So, when facing separation, although it is sad, you should also learn to be happy about new encounters.