Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eighty-second Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eighty-second Fortune Stick


Proceed forward,

With the Vermilion Bird in front and the Black Tortoise behind,

With the Azure Dragon on the left and the White Tiger on the right.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Seeing the Azure Dragon on the left and the White Tiger on the right indicates that many are drawn to your talents and beauty. This may leave you indecisive about choosing a life partner. At such times, take a step back to a calm environment to make a careful and considered decision.

Interpreting the Poem

The journey ahead is depicted using the four cardinal beasts. The Vermilion Bird represents the south, the Black Tortoise the north, the Azure Dragon the east, and the White Tiger the west. In terms of love, it suggests that your love journey involves traversing different directions and facing various challenges. If you can successfully navigate these trials, you will eventually reap the rewards and fulfill your love desires. This stick encourages us to have the courage and perseverance to face life's challenges and believe that determination will lead to success.