Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eighty-fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eighty-fourth Fortune Stick


Advise you not to cherish golden robes,

Advise you to cherish your youthful times.

When flowers bloom, they should be picked immediately,

Do not wait until there are no flowers to pick only branches.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In your current situation, do not cherish golden robes, but cherish your youthful times. Youth is fleeting and should not be wasted. Make the most of opportunities. When flowers bloom, pick them immediately; when there are no flowers, picking branches is useless. Seize the moment and do not waste your youth.

Interpreting the Poem

This poem advises people not to only value wealth and material enjoyment but to also cherish youthful times. In terms of love, the same principle applies. It advises people not to miss their chances in love by seeking perfection, but to bravely express their feelings and seize timely opportunities. Do not wait until love has passed to regret.