Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eighty-sixth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eighty-sixth Fortune Stick


The Milky Way is clear and shallow,

How far apart are we?

Separated by a single waterway,

We gaze at each other but cannot speak.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The clear and shallow river separating Chu and Han lands is not a significant barrier. Similar to a narrow waterway, though close, words cannot be exchanged. This symbolizes current obstacles in your relationship due to external factors like education or career. Patience is required.

Interpreting the Poem

This poem describes the distance and barriers between two people. The river represents the distance, which, although close, still feels far due to limited understanding and communication. 'We gaze at each other but cannot speak' indicates deep feelings but an inability to express them, possibly due to fear of rejection or other obstacles. The advice is to enhance communication and understanding to bridge the gap.