Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninth Fortune Stick


Thus parents,

And the people of the nation all despise them.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Thus parents, meaning your own parents, will also look down on you. This implies that a person can be estranged and despised by their parents for many reasons. The biggest reason often lies in making poor choices in friendships. One wrong step can lead to lifelong regret. Therefore, one must act cautiously. The same applies to marriage; choosing a lifelong partner should be done with care.

Note: Marriage is a significant decision, parents should have a say. Do not act willfully; the consequences can be serious.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune means that if the person you pursue has a different social status, you may face resistance and opposition, including from their family and friends. However, if you truly love them, you should courageously face these challenges and strive for happiness. Do not let their family background or status become a barrier to your love. At the same time, respect each other's families and backgrounds, and work hard to gain their understanding and acceptance of your relationship.