Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninetieth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninetieth Fortune Stick


If two hearts are long-lasting,

Why does it matter if they are together day and night?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

True love or friendship does not require constant presence. If two hearts are truly connected, their bond will withstand time and distance. Do not be disheartened by temporary separation. Friends or lovers who travel far will eventually return, lifting your spirits once more. The true bond is not measured by the hours spent together.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick describes true love that does not require constant presence and attention but can endure over time. When two people love each other deeply and trust each other, their love will become stronger and withstand the tests of time and distance. Therefore, this stick encourages us not to worry about minor details in love but to focus on deeper emotions, believing that true love can last forever.