Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninety-second Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninety-second Fortune Stick


Bright as the moon,

When can it be grasped?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Seeing the moon's reflection in the water, it appears bright and clear, but it cannot be grasped. This symbolizes the futility of trying to achieve the impossible. Relying on luck or destiny for success is pointless. Instead, focus on your actions, work hard, and be realistic. Do not indulge in fantasies; ensure your efforts are practical for success.

Interpreting the Poem

'Bright as the moon, when can it be grasped?' suggests that while love may be beautiful, it can also be hard to attain, requiring patience and perseverance. In love, one must sometimes express their feelings bravely, but also understand the need for patience and persistence to eventually achieve the desired outcome. This stick advises patience and determination in love, reminding us not to give up easily on what we truly want.