Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninety-third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninety-third Fortune Stick

Most Auspicious

Life is like a fleeting dream,

How much joy can there be?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Life is like a fleeting dream, how much joy can there be? Life is short, and one should not overthink and worry too much. Take decisive actions when opportunities arise, and enjoy life when possible. Do not take life too seriously, and embrace leisure and joy.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick means that life is fleeting like a dream, and one should not forget the true essence of life for the sake of temporary happiness. In love, it suggests cherishing the present relationship and not giving it up or wasting it easily because it might only be a short-lived happiness. We should deeply consider the nature of the love we pursue and not let our feelings be disturbed by worldly distractions or superficial pursuits.