Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninety-fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninety-fourth Fortune Stick


Smooth talk and pleasant appearance,

Lack true virtue.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

A person with smooth talk and pleasant appearance often hides a dagger in their heart. They flatter you to achieve their goals and stop once they succeed. Beware of deceitful people and do not be swayed by sweet words. The same applies to marriage; be cautious of those with sweet words but hidden intentions.

Interpreting the Poem

It refers to those with good looks and smooth talk but lack true virtue. In love, this stick warns us to see through a person's inner qualities rather than being deceived by their words and appearance. A person's speech and appearance can leave a good impression, but true character and virtue require time and real actions to prove. Therefore, in love, be cautious and do not be easily swayed by superficial charm. Focus on understanding and observing a person's true character and values.