Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninety-fifth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninety-fifth Fortune Stick


The wings of the locusts,

Buzzing sound.

Bless your offspring,

They will flourish.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The wings of the locusts fly in the air, making a buzzing sound, symbolizing comfort and smoothness. Bless your offspring, they will flourish and prosper. It indicates a very fortunate period where your family and descendants will have continuous prosperity. Cherish and appreciate this good fortune.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick suggests finding the right direction and method, which will bring blessings and benefit your descendants. In love, it reminds you to find the right approach and direction to handle love, ensuring happiness and allowing your love to be passed down. It also suggests maintaining humility, seeking true happiness from small details like the locusts' wings.