Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Ninety-seventh Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Ninety-seventh Fortune Stick


Return to Chu, the Chu people do not believe.

Return to Han, the Han people are shocked.

Where do you plan to settle down?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Everyone is anxious about your return. When you are not accepted, what will you do? This indicates that one must always be kind and virtuous, otherwise people will distance themselves.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick means that if you return to Chu, the people there won't believe you; if you return to Han, the people there will be shocked. The question 'Where do you plan to settle down?' suggests that the path of return is not smooth. In love, it may indicate difficulties and challenges when trying to return to a past relationship, and that settling back may not be easy. It advises careful consideration.